Saturday, January 22, 2011

ugh nail polish

Why am I incapable of keeping my nail polish from chipping. This is ridiculous. I do not have the time to paint you every night fingernails so just stop it okay. Geez. Being a nail person is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.

So I don't have a new scale yet but for the moment I'm just subtracting 7lbs from the number it shows so today I'm 134.5lbs. Now I know it's nice that the number isn't as high as I thought it was but regardless of whether I'm 145 or 135 I still look and feel like the biggest, blobbiest, walking lard face on the planet. It's actually kind of an annoying feeling.

Today's Intake
Mini hotdog things: 598cals fml
fiber1 bar: 140cals
6saltine crackers: 77cals
3tbsp PB: 244cals
1tbsp Jelly: 50cals
total intake: 1,109. Why do I always eat so much!

Today's Burn:
Elliptical: 336cals
Aerobics: 128cals
sit ups: 27cals
walking at work: 847cals
Total Burned: 1,338cals

At least I burned a lot but I'm still going to do like a 30-40min workout before bed. I need to lose this weight. It doesn't help that fiber1 doesn't seem to be working for me and in my head I'm just toying with the idea of laxatives but I can't I won't I just can't do that to myself again. I remember how much it hurts to swallow a box of those things and not actually have eaten anything that day. I can't. I just want to lose weight. I don't want to be sick again.

So I thought I was doing okay in the Biggest Loser since I've lost 9% of my bodyweight but I was at work and 2 fat people were talking about how they lost 10 and 11lbs that week. And I know they're bigger than me but if they keep that up for the next 9weeks I'll lose! I do not want to lose!

Good lord it is freezing in my room. Off to wear multiple socks!


  1. Maybe a clear top coat would help? You're probably already doing that but that's all I could think off =). That's just awesome how many calories you burn off at work! I guess all that walking around makes you more hungry? Just a thought! Seems that way with a lot of folks- the more they exercise the more they want to eat! The larger people seem to lose weight the fastest, which isn't really that fair in a competition. Docs say lose 1-2 pounds a week but on The Biggest Loser they were dropping 7-10 pounds! I wish we could all drop 7 pounds a week!But, you have something those fat people probably don't have: self-control and determination :)

  2. mine always chip as well but i work in retail constanlty takign off hangers
    um try like a top coat um like the hard as nail one or soemthing
