Thursday, January 6, 2011

Good lord it is cold in here

I'm literally freezing in my own room. Oh well. That's what my new super fuzzy christmas slippers are for!

So I worked for like 6.5 hours, just foodrunning. My feet are fucking killing me. I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow I'm just so exhausted. Back and forth back and forth for hours just bringing out every single piece of food everyone who ever comes into the stupid restaurant orders. Good lord there are so fatty fat people out there. The things people consume and then are like ooo I'm still hungry even though I licked the plate. Whatever, at least I burned calories and made some awesome money.

So two things.

One apparently I'm like a dirty person. It's the winter. I refuse to shave my legs everyday. 1 it is way to cold and I need the insulation. 2. I like taking quick showers because that means extra sleep for me so :P. I actually shaved today and I saw the boy and we were all kissy kissy sexy sexy and all of sudden he's shaved. Like it was the most amazing thing in the world! Sorry I'm gross. Geez. You don't shave your face or your armpits so suck it up.

Two, apparently I am abnormal. So jello. I eat jello like this...oh what a nice bowl of jello..spoon in mouth...swish around jello...spit back out...repeat till whole bowl is mushed..then really slowly. So I know it sounds gross but that's just what I do and I do not appreciate other people watching me eat and making faces. Geez. Stupid girl who's living with me. Stop looking at me.

So this morning I was 140 but when I got home from work a little while ago I was 139 so fucking yay for that. Let's look at today's food and workout

5 individual french fries: 25 cals
1 bite sourdough bread: 12cals
total cals: 37cals

30min elliptical: 232cals
20min crunches: 55cals
10min squats/calf raises: 44cals
5hours running around like a mad man at work: 927cals
35 walking around cleaning at work: 77cals
sex: 8cals...this is such a lie
total: 1343cals burned

Lose It tells me that I am 2,301 cals under my daily limitation. I love you Lose It. I love you so much. And I was thinking about eating before bed but I don't think I'm going to. I'm feeling great.

Oh my god!!! Super exciting! My job is doing a biggest loser challenge!!!! Here I am being envious of Skinny Little Bitch and I get to do it too! It's 5$ a week to be in the contest and the person at the end wins all the money! I love having a motivation. Although when I was at work I was talking about it with other people and basically everyone was like 'oh please like you need to be in the contest' my response is always the same to these people...'have you seen me naked? no. so you don't know.' (speaking of naked, the boy was all pouty face at me today because he said my butt has gotten smaller and it is not longer a good pillow. Both a small victory and :( because I want him to think I'm beautiful. And I know he does but maybe if I change too much he won't think that anymore). Anyway, contest starts monday but I'm weighing in on Sunday because I'm not working monday. Monday I will be drinking, dancing, and gambling my face off at the borgata and murmur. hells yea. oh hells yea. omg. no. I need to find something to wear. See I'm going with my bff P and she is my height but 110lbs soooooooooooo I am always fat next to her. Damnit. Oh and P and I are going to dinner tomorrow and she is a huuuuge eater so hopefully I'll be able to pull off the few bites of this few of that and wrap everything else!

Phew. Exhausted. Sleepy time!

I'm a fat fuck.
I was so hungry I couldn't sleep. I had those hunger pains that are in your chest and make it hurt to breathe. So I ate. Wonton soup. Again. At least it's gone now. But I'm a fat tub of chinese lard and deserve to be fat. Good fucking job. Great.
Did 500crunches....still am a fat lard blob disgusting unwanted ugly huge fatass


  1. You are NOT a fat tub of asian lard! You probably burned off way more calories than was in that wonton soup! Asian food is the best food if you ask me! You're lucky you have a job that keeps you busy & on your feet because you're always active and burning calories. Don't feel bad about not shaving every day- I only shave every few days myself - the hair on my legs doesn't grow that fast & since I'm always in pants, no one ever notices. The Biggest Loser thing sounds like so much fun! That would be aweseome motivation to exercise & restrict. Now only will you get the joy of losing weight, but you'll have a chance at winning all that money. I've read that when you're at parties, always walk around with something in your had (whether you actually eat it or not) that way everyone who sees you thinks you're eating!

  2. yay for your work doing a biggest loser contest too!!! we are going to rock these contests! : ) I bet you burned some hella calories running all that food for so many hrs. I remember when I waited tables in hs and college I could eat so much more that I can now that I have a desk job! so yea...dont worry about the could have been so much worse!!

  3. dude u are so not fat at all and u burned waymore then ua te so thas a good thing
    yay for the challange i wish my work would do that but everyone would think im crazy since they always comment on how skinny i am alreayd
