Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Black Swan and a Kitten calendar

Okay, thanks guys I sort of freaked out this morning. It was just a wtf moment. But it passed and I went to the gym and gave the skinny bitches the evil eye and I came home 1.5lbs lighter so it must be water weight and I do have my period so that's probably it. But today was okay. I've only eaten a few peices of candy and I had a bite of pineapple and like two sips of gateorade. Not terrible. I'm okay with that. And boy is so nice. I spent all day with him and you know I must not be skinny because he's okay with me losing weight even if he says I don't need it, but if I really didn't need it he'd be more adamant about it. So yea. We saw Black Swan. I liked it. I'd give it like a B+/A-. Boy hated it. Said it reminded him of being dragged to all his sisters dance stuff. I've officially added 'train to be a ballerina' to my list of things to do before I die. Just the total control and the movement, it's beautiful. Plus ballerina's have banging bodies. So yea, that's on my list now.
So is winning the lottery but the stupid page won't load so I have no idea if I've won anything which would be super awesome. Almost as awesome as the new calendar I bought that is full of kittens, like a kitten a day. I know, obsessive and weird but w.e I'll just be a crazy cat lady.
So hopefully the shift I picked up for tomorrow will get approved and I can work a double and attempt to not eat at all while at the resturant. Then I'll be nice and skinny for AC next week. Hitting up Murmur. After new years eve my brain was just like "oh, wait, dancing burns a ton of frickin calories...I should do this more often" so yes, clubbing is something I should do everyweek, especially if I don't have class till 7pm of Wed, then I can go to dusk every thursday!.

Whoo. Ramble.

Anyway, Natalie Portman is officially a new thinspo of mine. Her arms, back, and chest in this movie were fantastic. Love it.
(oh and btws: bonesarepure: watch the thinspo video!!!)

I will have a good day tomorrow. I will have a good day tomorrow. I am beautiful. I will be thin. Everything is okay.


  1. Murmur? Soooooo jealous. Isn't that a place Samantha Ronson spins at regularly? I've had a crush on her since 2003, when I only knew her as Dcute twin who wears a red coat with rainbow trim". I didn't even know her name. It'd be cool to see her in person. Tho a part of me is afraid i'd end up nagging her about her smoking. Smoking is so bad for the voice, and I actually like her voice. Go ahead and call me weird. I'm used to it :)
    Gratz on the loss. We ladies do have wild fluctuations.I actually plot my weights and look for overall trends.

  2. I heard natalie got down to like 88 lbs for that role! im dying to see it!! maybe I will drag hubby with me this wkend! I took dance, including ballet from age 4 through college and I TOTALLY think it helped keep me slim and is also a reason I developed an eating disorder in the first place. I mean...no dancer wants to look like a cow in her little costumes on stage! plus, whenever I was on my skinnier side, my dance teacher would compliment me, reinforcing the behavior. lol...but yea... dance is a great cal burner and toner, ballet AND club dancing..haha!

  3. hsa thanx for remdind me i forgot and now i gotta find it again damn lost cause ha
    o lucky u got to c balck swan jealsou its not out in my stupid ass somall town
