Saturday, January 29, 2011

late update

Soooo work was fucking terrible. Just because the manager I cannot frickin stand was expo tonight and she is just so annoying. Everyone thinks so like she screams stupid shit in your face like "do you have hands?" (meaning can you run out food) and it's like no shit I have fucking hands I'm foodrunning. All I'm doing for the next 6 hours is picking up food, dropping it off, and going back and repeating the whole damn process. stupid. ....I 10 french fries. I know. I KNOW! and then I came home and I had 3 chocolate chip cookies. so. I'm fat.

Dino nuggets: 422
bread: 100
french fries: 90
cookies: 160
total intake: 772cals. Which means I'm THE fattest person on the planet. Trust me. My thighs right now. I keep digging my nails into them trying to rip the fat off. Hopefully I'll be on the mountain tomorrow so I'll burn major calories

Today's burned
6hours walking: 844
30min situps/1000crunches: 80
leg lifts: 64
total burning: 988cals. .....I'm laying down right now to workout more. god fucking damnit.
as always I appreciate all your comments and support. bleh. have a better day than me everyone.

1 comment:

  1. But that is such a good amount of calories burned. I know how you feel though, just feeel bad that you ate the food. But it's alright because techniquilly you are in the negative!! Go You! (:

    I hate my thighs too. I find myself in frustration that they don't send their fat packin'. Just keep to what you're doing you'll see a difference.

    Start feeling better!

    xo Chloe
