Thursday, January 27, 2011


So Wren passed the Honest scrap award on to me sooooo I guess I have to think of 10things to say and be nice and honest about it. So here it goes:

1. When I was really really little my mom was like "You need to be potty trained" and I was like "not yet" and my mom was like "well when then will you be?" and I said "Christmas...I think on christmas I will be potty trained. Promise" and so I wore my diaper all the way up until Dec 24th and then game over. Christmas morning I woke up and poof...I was a potty using girl. I know..weird story.

2. My favorite animal is the panda bear. I have over 400hundred of them...stuffed, statues, snow globes, you name it I got it. And at one point all of these pandas were in my room. Also I, before I am 30 I will go to china for 2 week and I will work at one of the panda saving places and help save the pandas. True story. It will be done.

3. Throughout all of my 21 years there are only 2 things that I regret: 1. The way I lost my virginity. 16, back of a car, didn't really like him at all, I just wanted to do it, so I did...and then he was one of the biggest assholes I have ever met and well...I don't like that he is in my memory at all. 2. I let my first love convince me not to go study art in the south of france. I had dreamed of studying abroad and I am in love with france and I let him control me. Never ever again.

4. I honestly believe that no one likes me. I hate being in public and I am terrified of social situations but I force myself into them, but sometimes I will make up any excuse to not meet new people. I am scared shitless of social settings.

5. During the years that I was depressed and undiagnoised, I used to see people, I didn't even have to know you but I would take your image and in my head I would kill you, and your death was always brutal and wrong. And I didn't know why. I'm not a violent person and usually the person had never done anything to me, but it was the way my mind worked.

6. I am goddamn terrified of spiders. No. Stop. I don't want to talk about it saying the word typing the word is giving me a rapid heart.

7. Sorry I had to space down till I couldn't see the "s" word anymore..its freaking me out. Anyway. 7. I don't like vegetables. Nope. I force myself to eat them. I have only recently begun to eat lettuce and broccoli and even then they have to be drenched in dressing or cheese or pasta or something. I just don't like veggies. I'll eat any fruit (save that disgusting rotting meat smelling one).

8. I'm addicted to the following nerd things: pokemon games, dr. who, star trek, harry potter, star wars, history channel, and cheesy sci-fi movies.

9. I believe in science. But...I also believe in the old wives superstition that wearing a ring on your wedding ring finger will bring bad luck and you'll never marry. so I wear tons of rings but my left hand is always bare.

10. my biggest concern about graduate school is how I am going to take my cat with me. Especially if I move to a new country. It's terrifying. I can't leave her behind. I love her more than anything. Soooo yes. I can only go somewhere if she comes too.

And i guess I have to pick 5 I'm going to go with the last 5 people to update their blogs...
1. Dani
2. Ariana
3. Chloe
4. Elara
5. Eager Enid

Dani & Ariana-- I want to use my measuring tape but that's even scarier than the scale! I'm just afraid of my own body.


  1. thanks for the award! what's your cat's name? I have a 7 month old orange tabby named Sheldon...I also looove lucian freud. his portraits of leigh bowery are great!

  2. Of course you can join in on the SGD! I don't think it's cheating to join a couple of days late- I'd be more than happy for you to do it with me!

    The potty training story was adorable! I can't even remember my potty experience! That's aweome you want to help save the pandas! They're so adorable and the world needs more of them.
    We're the same age! ^^

    With number 3- although #1 isn't something you could probably change now, you can certainly change #2! If studyingre in South France is something you've wanted to do, then nothing can stop you from doing that! I used to hate veggies too and would only eat a salad with dressing loaded onto it, but I think the more you eat them the more you get used to them. Maybe :) ♥

  3. hate the tape measure scares me more then teh scale as well so ur not alone there
    aw panadas are so cute
    and i love teh potty trainging story
    aw me thats sweet i'll have to think of things at work for i can update later
