Monday, January 3, 2011

I hate you and your tight pants

I loooooooooove sleeping in. During school I'm always up ridiculously early but over break, oh god I love sleep. Anyway, gym today sooo let's see

45min Elliptical: 402cals
25min of lovely crunches: 169cals
leg lifts and kicks and butt lifts: 106cals
squats and lunges: i dont know. damn
burned: 677+cals

Jellox4: 40 cals
fattty icecream: 150cals
fatty crisps: 150cals
icky mashed potatos: 100cals
1 lone disgusting oreo: 53cals
1/2tsp honey: 30cals
1cup hot chocolate: 110cals
total: 633cals

So I was at the gym and there is nothing I hate more than those natural twig like stupid people who come to the gym in skin tight clothing drinking a soda and they just fucking sit there on 1 or 2 machines and just do like 2 reps and they talk really loudly with their obnoxiously thin friend and they're there for like an hour but they don't do anything and then they fucking leave and I hate them. Stupid people.

Anyway, today's to do list will get done. Damnit.

1. Clean room, like really clean.----done
2. Work through all qual data and report to L
3. Find and organize at least 8 MA or Msc grad school programs.

Oh it will get done!

Thinspo time!!!!!!!


  1. OH I HATE THOSE KIND OF GYM-GOERS AS WELL! When I was in college I would ALWAYS see those sorts of girls at the "rec". I would be busing my ass, sweating like a dog on the treadmill and I swear they were just there to try to pick up guys - afraid to even mess up their hair. So frustrating!

  2. o i hate those ppl too i go to the gymt o workoput not talk so those ppl better stay out of my way
