Tuesday, January 18, 2011


So hangovers suck because they prohibit me from going to the gym and burning off all the stupid shiz I drink and eat when I'm drunk. And it was a lot of drinking. 197$ of drinking actually. My bad.

Terrible day

First day of school

1 prof didn't even show up

Got randomly sick and threw up 2 lbs but it was terrible. Not like okay well i'll puke and it'll be okay and i'll feel better cuz i'm sick for a reason. no. this was like holy fuck my world is coming to and end this is it tell my cat i love her goodbye puking. And like ow. fuckin ow. did i mention this happened on the side of the road head out door in the sleeting rain. yea. about that. not okay.

Have decided not to eat tomorrow.

Also...new rule...actually...I'm just going to start making rules. so

Rule 1: There is no eating on Tuesdays. It just makes sense so I've decided it shall be so.

UM yea. I feel like shit. I'm collapsing and going to bed.

today: 142lbs. Intake 800cals.


  1. Wow, alcohol can be really expensive! Think of all the clothes you could buy with that! Well, not a lot, but several :). That sucks you were sick though. Throwing up because you need to and throwing up becuase your body forces you too are like night and day. At least you threw up on the side of the road and not in class, that would have been horrible!

    Oh, and deal! Let's make today a fasting day =)

  2. sorry that u got sick hunny feel better
