Friday, March 18, 2011

Life Smacked me in the face

Hi everyone...if you actually can read this. Let me explain my absense.

1. about 20% of me not writing is because life hit me hard and I have been so busy with school it's not even funny.

2. the other 80% is because I got so fucking pissed off at my blog being all stupid and not showing up on anyones feed and basically being useless.

Hmph.'s been a while and I'm sorry. Fortunately I'm still a fat fuck who has not lost any weight because for a brief moment in time I felt okay.
O. M. G.
I'm jiggling. Like jelly jigglers at a 5 year olds birthday party. And it is not okay.
In luei of this, tomorrow will be my first day on OxyElite Pro which is this crazy diet pill that everyone and their mother is raving about. Hopefully it will help.
So, training. Yeaaaaaa I just haven't had time. which makes me really sad. I run when I can but there is no way I'm be able to do the half marathon. I feel like a failure.
Violin is going okay. I can play mary had a little lamb...sorta...a little bit.
I got into grad school so woot woot on that one..still waiting to hear from the rest but at least I know I got in one place so I have somewhere to go.
Ummmmm... boy is excellent. we're still together and still poor.
What else what else....god my life is just boring. I've been so consumed with school it's just insane and I don't know what else I actually do.
I....i................O! I went to Cambridge MA for a conference and presented my research. That was fun. I've never been to Boston before. It was quite lovely. Yes. Quite.

Now...I have a question...let's stop for a second and look at this picture.

How the fuck is this girl balancing. I can't do that. I know because I've tried. And I fall every time. And if I do it on the scale the scale flops over and then I fall! wtf..can anyone do this?

Fuckin eh...2:30 and I have work in the morning.
I still hate my miserable job.

Thinspo yo!