Friday, January 28, 2011

Joining SGD and ummm eh.

So I'm fat. You know how some days you really just feel it more than others? Well today I super feel it. Okay now this is you guys know what underboob is? Like that fat that some people have and its like right under where your bra cup is? Well I know I don't have it..I can physically l
ook in the mirror and pull my skin and there is nothing there but I swear to god I feel it there and it is driving me insane!!!!!!! And I look ridiculous because I keep touching my boobs every 5 seconds!

Anyway so work today was fucking pointless. I had 4 tables..made 34 dollars. Oh and really annoying! So I have this new class at school that I need to graduate and apparently in addition to class I have a mandatory attendence at 4-6pm on fridays. So that means I can't work on fridays anymore and basically I need a new job. So I'm headed out tomorrow morning to bother every book story
ever to see if I can get a job because I have 60 free hours but they don't line up with the shifts at the resturant. Anyway not too excited. I hate finding new jobs. Such a hassle.

I'm joining SGD 4 days late but that's okay. I'm just going to jump in. So today is day 5 and it's 450cals. I'm just going to post w
hat I eat and update throughout the day.

4 werthers : 115cals
bread +soup @ work: 100cals
5 potstickers: 225cals
total intake 440cals

Soooooo I am super super excited. I have signed up to run a half marathon! I know. I have terrible knees and my legs are weak with my reoccuring shin splints but I'm excercising the front of my shins everyday and I'm going to start my running regimine on Tuesday. I like tuesdays. They're just nice days. So yea, the race is may1st and I have to do 13.1miles in 3h
ours 35mins or less. I'm really really looking forward to this. If anyone has any tips let me know.

Let's just do some thinspo because I am a fatty.

Whoa...those uploaded weird. oh well.


  1. yay for sgd good luck on it
    sorry that u cant work fridays nemore
    but mayb it is a good tihng to ge a new job one that desont driv eu nuts

    o my shirt i got it at kohls and the sweater is from old navy

  2. Good luck with the new diet. Looks pretty intense! So proud of ya for signing up for the half marathon! To be perfecting honest, not trying to lecture you or anything : ) , but it is going to be REALLY difficult for you to train for it on so few calories. Just something to consider. : ) Google Hal Higdon's Novice Half Marathon Training Schedule. I followed it pretty closely for my half in Oct and ROCKED it! So, I can speak from experience that if you follow it, you will be able to to finish! GOOD LUCK!

  3. good luck with sgd.
    there are definitely some nasty tasting protien shakes out there. the one i've got right now is atkins, you don't have to add milk to it so it's great if you're trying to keep your carb intake low. i like vanilla because you can add extras to make it taste yummier - like cinnamon. but right now i have cappicino, which is pretty good. i don't like the chocolate one though. celebrity slim shakes are the best i've tried, but they're too high in calories and carbs because they're suppose to be taken as a meal replacement, rather than some shakes that are suppose to be more of a "snack". let me know if you come across some good ones as well

  4. Yay! I'm glad you've decided to join the SGD with me! You probably already know this, but with the Skinny Girl you can eat as many fruits & veggies as you want without counting those cals =).

    Good luck with your job hunting- it can be a hassle though, but finding a better job that works with your schedule would be beneficial to you though. I hate my current job but once the fall semester comes around I'm going to find a different one.

    That's great about doing the half marathon! 13 miles sounds really difficult but with the right training, anything is possible! I'm also working on my running too (because I suck bad) but I was going to try the Cough to 5K thing Monday-maybe that could help you too? They also have a Cough to 10K which would probably work better since you're doing the half marathon. (I want that girl's hip bones in the first pic ^^)♥

  5. haha -I'M- going to run a half marathon and -I- have shin splints and -I- have bad knees too! how crazy is that?!
