Tuesday, January 25, 2011

fuckin a man

Yea. Hi period. I hate you. Not as much as I hate the fucking period binge. Sure I want ice cream followed by hot dogs..why the fuck not goddamnit.


  1. omg the skype thing, i do the exact same thing. it's so wierd. sorry about the period binges

    xo Chloe

  2. i hate period binges.
    i've heard about shit my day says, it sounds so funny. so i'm definitely going to get it. it's coming out as a tv series next week as well

  3. Period binges really suck.
    Especially when the binge starts *before* the period does!
    *slaps Self several times*

  4. god periods are just evil im sorry

  5. Skip the ice cream--go for the hot dogs. Less carbs. And you need the iron on your period. ;)


  6. Period binges suck. I never keep track of mine (I used too...I should probably start keeping tabs again) and I know it's coming because I crave chocolate and sweets like a crazy person. :D Agree with Mich- go for the hotdogs and anything with lots of iron =)
