Thursday, January 13, 2011

How quickly it all comes back

Sorry about being away. Shit has gone down. Well not really. I mean, I've been busy. Anyway. Let's catch up.

1. Thanks everyone for the sympathy and suggestions about my stupid job. I appreciate it. I was like freaking out. Insane. I can't wait till the day I quit. There will be no 2weeks, just me untying my apron and walking the fuck out. It is going to be amazing.

Forget numbers. I don't want to count. Anyway so let's see ummm Monday right. Monday was bullshit. SO! I was supposed to go to AC with boy, P and P's boy. And we were all going to go to Murmur and dance and be awesome and win money and get home in time for work tomorrow. Instead halfway down the goddamn parkway P calls and is like ooo I'm sick. So it was just me and boy which I didn't mind because I love being with him and we got a 1 bed instead of the 2 we'd paid for. So I'm all pissed off that I'm not going to get to go to murmur because really going with just your boy and no one else is lame and boring. Even 7thgraders go to dances in groups. Even prom you have a table of people. I will not club with just the boy. So instead he wanted to gamble. So we have great hotel sex. Then we go downstairs and he gambles and I watch because I work too hard for my money to lose it. So he's up like 100 at craps and like 20 on black jack and we break for dinner and the patron I brought with me. Because if I'm not going to dance I'm at least going t
o drink. So I did the worst fucking thing ever. I let my anger at P for ditching me get to me and we ordered pizza and cheesesteaks and fries. And we're in the room and I start drinking. Just straight patron silver (my fav) and that was a terrible idea cuz I do stupid shit when I'm drunk. Like eat 3000calories worth of shit. Yea. Fuck that. But it happened and I'm over it now because well you'll see. So now I'm drunky and fatty and we go back down to gamble more. Idk why but we do. And me being a stupid drunk is like ooo I want to play. So I lose 80 fucking dollars at craps. I hate you AC I hate you. So now I'm fat, out 129 for the room that P was supposed to help pay for, 20 for food,
37 on patron and 80 on craps. Yea. Fuck that. So boy sees me
being upset and he's like I'll
win your money back. And he loses everything he won and breaks even. I hate you AC. So we giv
e up on gambling and instead go upstairs and I'm like let's just drink. So we invented a new drinking game. We were watching the show Pawn Stars and every time someone sold something to them for 150$ or more we took a shot. It worked very well and
we finished the bottle in time for drunk sex and passing out.

So....tuesday. Tuesday we get home from AC and he passes out on my couch on top of me and I'm checking me email and everything
and I fucking got into the graduate class I wanted to take (for undergrad credit!) and AND I get to take VIOLIN!!!! I am so fricking excited!!!! A linguistics course and violin. I mean I play piano and flute and sing and whatever but VIOLIN!!! Godamnit yay!!! I mean I want to play the cello but hell, what do I care, I'll take it! So yes I am very very very excited and I bought a really cheap starter violin and omg I cannot wait for school to start because I am going to be as awesome as this chick. She's ballin.

Anyway yea so I bought the violin and it's being delivered on like Monday and I cannot goddamn wait. And what else. Oh yes. Tuesday I had to go to work. In the goddamn snow. I was there for 3 fucking hours made 30 fucking dollars and almost died on the way home because it was snowing like a mo fo and no one goes out to eat in the snow because you would have to be stupid to risk your life driving to go get someone else to cook you food that you could easily cook yourself. Stupid people. And I had these two fucking kids, like they were talking about 8th grade so they were young and they sat at my table for the full 3 hours because when I gave them the check they were like "oh we have to wait for our mom to come and pay" fuckin kids. Leaving me a 6% tip. Seriously. The math system in our schools is failing. Anyway, nice guy next to the stupid girls was like "stupid kids" and gave me like 20bucks. So yea. Anyway, I made it to boys house to be snowed in together and I get there and he's like "me and dad are gunna go get provisions" so I store. So i'm hanging out with his mom for like 2 hours talking and watching tv and stuff and he comes home and both him and his dad are blazed out of there fucking minds and they went out to buy 2 white castle crave cases and onion rings. Fucking ridiculous. Like if you're going to smoke..1. share with me...2. don't bring home white castle that shit is nasty. Ridiculous. Anyway. It was nice to sleep with him 2 days in a row. Brings me back to the days when we didn't live with out parents. Anyway.....

Wednesday! So wednesday boy and I got up and went snow boarding at big boulder. Now I know big boulder sucks but they have college days on wed. and lift tickets are only 15$ so yea. Anyway. On the way there I was telling boy about the biggest loser and about how the money is going to be like 1000bucks and he's like oh you are going to win this. So he fattened me up! The little SOB basically shoved food down my face all goddamn day so I could weigh in really high and then he's like don't worry for the next 10weeks I won't let you eat. So I mean that's okay because I know he won't he's good like that and I need to know someone is watching me but still omg I ate sooo much yesterday. And not like ooo I ate like 1000cals too much. Ha. fuck that. We're talking like 3000+ cals. I snowboarded and sexed it up and eveything but any cal burning was significantly over powered but the 2 wawa trips, 1 McD's stop, and 3 doughnuts. FML. But on the bright side I'm picking up boarding really really fast. Like this was my 5th time ever going and 2nd time this season and I made my way down an easy black diamond because the back turned into a green and I wanted to go on the green. I wiped out really hard though on another trail. Like whacked the shiz out of my head. I can't turn my head and my mommy gave me a massage but it hurts like crazy. Anyway. I love boy, he's amazing and Wed was a good day.

Today I had shitty work. I really...bleh I hate people. If you're eating at my table, I hate you. You are rude and needy and I am not a stupid slave. Geez. Made 37$ worked for 1.5hours. Came home showered...ate 1 small green apple with PB and a fiber 1 bar. Because you know what is super I haven't #2 in like 7 days and it is killing me. I am a fatty fat fat. I know I am too because I gained all the fucking weight back and today was my first weigh in for the biggest loser and my official starting weight is 144.6lbs. FML that is goddamn terrible. But I'm going to try and lose 20% for the contest. So like 28lbs in 10weeks. It will happen and I will win because 1. I need to lose weight and 2. I need that money. So yea. Weight loss. Woooo. It should be easier now that school is starting and all my free time where I could snack will be gone. Um. To do list for today includes:
clean room
buy white board calendar
grad school list MA
do nails
make hair appt
buy books for newest class add
100 lunges
100 squats

Yea. Sounds good.

Let's thinspo yo.


  1. I've never heard someone describe a violin player as "ballin" before. Haha, that made smile =). I think that's awesome how you already play piano and flut & you're going to learn a third instrument! Violin is such a gorgeous instrument (I would love to learn to play but I could never afford one or the lessons). When you mentioned cello, I thought of this video you might have already seen: The Pachelbel Rant!

    That was nice that guy gave you $20! I think parents should instill tipping & respect into their young children! That sucks you had to work with weather that bad. Driving in snow is scary and dangerous. Your car starts sliding and you lose control of it and you're screwed!

    Ooh, snowboarding sounds like so much fun! And great exercise too, so you probably burned a ton of the cals you ate. You know, I bet once you go to the bathroom one good time you could drop 2-3 pounds (seriously!). You can totally lose 28 pounds in 10 weeks! That's about 2.5 pounds a week and that's considered average, so you can lose that weight in no time!


  2. o u had a crazy few days there hun
    dw everything will get better
