Monday, October 24, 2011

I love Red Heads

So I'm pretty much freaking out right now. I just went on lose it and put in everything I ate today and do you know what came out....518 motherfucking calories!!! wtf! how is that even possible. I'm having like a goddamn heart attack right now. Ugh

Breakfast: nutrigrain bar: 130
Lunch: 2/3c strawberries: 35
handful grapes: 41
1/2c raspberry: 32
small banana: 90
Dinner: venti skinny caramel macchiato: 190
total: 518 calories

You have got to be fucking kidding me. So glad I decided not to go make oatmeal or eggs. Good fucking lord I'm fat.

And then! So I'm in a dorm room right and I live with boys and the bathroom is small so I can't keep my scale in there I have to keep it in my room. But my room is carpeted. And scales and carpet do not go well together. I'm so disturbed by this. Like in one spot I weight 9st 13 and in another I weigh 10st 4 and I just keep moving it around the room stepping on and off and I just don't know what weight is the right weight! oh goddamnit this is frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!

My adventure into reapplying to more grad schools is not going well. No one is taking students. Like..not fair. I mean..I've had some bites but come on know you want me. My CV is so impressive please take me on!!!!!!!

Anyway...over the summer I semi-perm dyed my hair red and it was supposed to wash out in 28 washes but it still has touches of strawberry in it and it's like 3 months later. But anyway, I went red because I am in love with this woman...

Karen Gillian is her.

Basically I love her because I envy her because I love this....

ooooo doctor take me with you! I would be such a good companion. I really would. I love adventure and I can totally be brave when I need to. Also I understand the rules of time travel like more than any normal person should.

Speaking of normal last night..basically I'm lonely and desperate for friends and no one will talk to me so I made a last stitch effort and went to a science fiction club meeting and I mean everyone was really nice and seems really genuine and I'm prob going to go back but oh man...dork central. The real life Big bang theory is nothing like TV makes it out to be.

Anyway yes red them..will probably do it again over winter break. So yea. red head thinspo mmmmmm

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