Tuesday, February 1, 2011

If you can't see my blog..

It's undersirable1.blogspot.com I was messing around with it and if it doesn't come up just refresh. And yes I know..that's not how undesirable is spelled but hey w.e's.

So I'm really mad at myself because I was supposed to do 3miles this morning and I gave up at 2miles and I want to punch myself. I didn't have to give up but I did. I hate that. But I did do the 2 miles in 24minutes which is where I want to be time wise. So tomorrow I'm going to let myself take a break if I need to. 10seconds won't kill me. Ok. Can't long post tons to do and not enough time. Loves loves ooh an hi Olivia!!!


  1. I wish I had long legs. :/ But alas, I shall forever be hobbit-sized!

    Cute?!? Lol I guess starlings are kind of cute to look at, but they're psychos. They make the weirdest noises ever, and of course there's never one--always at least ten all chattering away outside my window starting at 5.00 AM.


  2. I do the same thing when I run. I give up even though I am not tired, I just get bored! I have tried watching tv, movies, all kinds of music. I can't wait until there is no snow on the ground! Running outside is so much better than inside where no one can see me quit ;) I don't know if you have said, but are you on a training schedule for your marathon? I haven't put myself on one yet because I am not training for a specific race, but maybe that is what I need to stay motivated.

    love the thinspo :)
    xox Nicole
